Buying on CreateSky

Use CreateSky to hire freelancers for your project

1. Check out the freelancer’s work samples.
2. Check out the reviews from buyers.
3. Choose the service that fits your needs.
4. Contact the freelancer with any questions to make sure they are aligned with your expectations.


Can I pay with my credit card
Yes, you can pay with your credit card or debit card through paypal.

What if I’m not happy with my delivery?
If you are not happy with your delivery, you can always ask the seller for revisions. 

How do I contact the seller before I place my order?
Within the service page, there are 2 different ways that you can contact seller.
1: There is a “Contact Seller” button. which you can send online messages to seller.
2: There is a “Have a question ?” button, which you can send email to seller.
art jobs freelancer

We recommend contacting your seller before placing your order, especially if you have specific requirements.