How to add service

1: Login to your seller dashboard, go to “services” page
2: Click “Add new service” button
3: Upload service image, fill in the form with title and description

4: Click ” Create Service” button to create your service and go to next “Edit Service” page
5: Choose “Single” or “Multiple” service option

6: Go to the “Service Options and Settings” section, select “Service Options” and click “Add” button
7: Select “Basic Option” “Standard Option” and “Premium Option” through the Option(s) field

8: Enable “Visible on the service page” and “Price and description” option

create sky services
9: Click “Save Option” button to save the selected options
10: Select “Add price and description” option and click the “Go” button to add price and descriptions for your selected options

11: Enter price and service description, click “Save” button to save your option setting

12: Click “Save Service” button to finally create your service.